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Marriage Entitlement: Part 3-Does Your Spouse’s Happiness Matter More Than Yours

Marriage Entitlement: Part 3-Does Your Spouse’s Happiness Matter More Than Yours

In Part 2 of Marriage Entitlement we learned what happens when one spouse feels over-entitled to love. In Part 3 we are going to discuss another marriage entitlement, the entitlement to happiness. But in order to determine […]

Marriage Entitlement: When Your Love Is Not Enough

Marriage Entitlement – Part 2: When Your Love Is Not Enough
Marriage entitlement can be a very difficult subject to broach with a spouse. Because we rarely talk about marriage entitlements, spouses who are unfairly painted as withholding them often don’t have the language to defend themselves. And without this […]

Did Your Ex-Girlfriend Have Traits of BPD-Why Did I Fall So Hard?

Did Your Ex-Girlfriend Have Traits of BPD:Why Did I Fall So Hard?

If you are one of those unlucky men who has experienced a breakup with a woman with traits of BPD, or borderline personality disorder, you probably discovered that the love you had for her did not go away […]

Did Your Ex-Girlfriend Have Traits of BPD-The Defense Mechanism of Projection

Did Your Ex-Girlfriend Have Traits of BPD-The Defense Mechanism of Projection

In this blog post we will be addressing one of the more complex behavior patterns associated with BPD, or borderline personality disorder. The behavior pattern we will be looking at is commonly known as projection. Although you may not […]

Women on the Spectrum of BPD: Techniques That Stop Devaluation

Women on the Spectrum of BPD:Techniques That Stop Devaluation

In Part One of this blog series, Romantic Devaluation and Idealization In Women With Traits of BPD we explored the reasons why so many women on the spectrum of BPD devalue their romantic partners once the initial honeymoon phase comes to […]

Women With Traits of BPD – Why Did She Lie?

Women With Traits of BPD – Why Did She Lie?

In this blog post we are going to be addressing the coping behavior of lying and why women with traits of BPD or borderline personality disorder so often engage in it. Although lying is not part of the criteria […]

Did Your Ex-Girlfriend Have Traits of BPD – How To Let Go of the Good Times

Women With Traits of BPD:How To Let Go of the Good Times

Breaking up with a woman with traits of BPD or borderline personality disorder can be very painful. But one of the toughest aspects of these breakups is the persistent longing to get back that feeling of ultimate fulfillment […]

BPD and the Nice Guy Personality Type

BPD and The Nice Guy Personality Type

Most people know that women with traits of BPD or borderline personality disorder share certain personality characteristics that create the behavior patterns we associate with the disorder. But what you might not know is that the men who enter relationships with women with […]

Identifying Traits of BPD In Women Before Relationship Commitment

Identifying Traits of BPD In WomenBefore Relationship Commitment

In this blog post we are going to be answering a very important question. Can a man who has been through a breakup with a woman with traits of BPD, or borderline personality disorder, recognize the traits in the next woman he […]

Breakups With Women With Traits of BPD – Five Misconceptions That Keep Men From Letting Go and Moving On

Breakups With Women With Traits of BPD:Five Misconceptions That Keep MenFrom Letting Go and Moving On

A breakup with a woman who engages in behaviors associated with BPD or borderline personality disorder during a romantic relationship may be one of the more painful experiences a man can go through. Many […]